Tuesday, July 21, 2009

Another Landmark Reached

For those of you keeping score at home, I hit the 25 pound mark this morning. It's really surprising since I ate alot of food on Sunday night at a wedding and also set a high mark for Bryan if he wants to win the week 5 competition (apx. 1300 cals in a sitting). I have a pretty good strategy for winning the contest anyway, but I'm glad I have meal high enough to keep Bryan from considering sandbagging and hoping I do the same.
Anywho, I thought I would share some of the foods that have gotten me here so far...
1) Slim fast: Every morning and sometimes 1 in the afternoon. Lots of nutrients without many calories and doesn't taste too bad either.
2) V8 Fusion Acai Berry Mix: Actually tastes sweeter than Gatorade and only 110 cals per serving. Also has lots of vitamins and counts as a serving of fruits and a serving of veggies (which I detest). Acai berries are supposed to help with weight loss, possibly through causing cancer.
3) Popcorn: Tasty alternative to chips that is filling and delicious. Pretty much have one air-popped serving at night. FYI: Don't air-pop name brand popcorn as alot of it gets wasted.
4) Lean Cuisine: Probly serves as dinner one out of two nights for me. Usually go with the chicken fettucine.
5) Frosted Mini-Wheats: Tastes like candy and has the same digestive features as a wicker chair!

Now some math:
We currently have 147 days left in the competition. Bryan has claimed that he can lose 40 pounds before the end. Giving him the benefit of the doubt, I bet he can lose a total of 50 including unhealthy spite pounds during the final push. I've already lost 25 pounds in 37 days (.676 pounds per day). So in order to beat him, I need to lose another 25 pounds in the following 147 days (a measly .17 pounds per day). In order to destroy him and not have to pay for any of the TV, I need to lose 55 pounds (.375 pounds per day). Now I understand that my current weight-loss rate won't continue like it has, but these numbers seem promising to me.

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