Tuesday, July 14, 2009

One Day Into First Mini-Competition

Well it's been 30 hours since we both weighed in for the weight-loss week. Bryan and I are getting pretty competitive. Yesterday 900 calories were consumed....between the two of us. The liquid diet is going pretty well and I didn't eat any popcorn either, which put me at 450 cals max yesterday. I think Bryan was somewhere in that area too, although with the amount of Coke Zero he drinks, his life span has been cut down by about four years. On top of the liquid diet, I worked out yesterday...twice. Played basketball at the Forensic Center for about an hour and then did 25 minutes of HIIT. I'm pretty sure Bryan will crack before I do when it comes to putting in more calories, what with him being weak-willed and all.

Bryan and I had a discussion that calls for some viewer participation. We were talking about getting friends and family to sabotage each other (e.g. Bryan calling my girlfriend and encouraging her to take me to dinner somewhere). I argued that nobody would do that to me, cause everyone wants me to win. I'm pretty sure 80% of Bryan's friends/family would help me when and play dirty. Is there anyone out there who is really rooting for Bryan? Furthermore, is there anyone who doesn't think Bryan should accept my open hair vs. hair challenge? I didn't think so.

Top 5 Fat American Historical Figures:
5) Grover Cleveland: Mediocrity at it's best. The only president to serve two non-consecutive terms. His fatness led to many health problems including sleep apnea and gout.
4)Ulysses S. Grant: One of the best military strategists in American history, but only a mediocre president.
3) William Howard Taft: So fat he got stuck in the White House bath tub more than once. Inventor of the 7th inning stretch and the fattest president to ever hold the office. Also the only president to go on to serve on the Supreme Court.
2) Ben Franklin: Inventor of pretty much everything you use on a regular basis and founder of about a dozen public services (including fire departments apparently). Also a ladies man and the diplomat who got the French to save our asses in the American Revolution. Our national bird should have been a turkey.
1) Teddy Roosevelt: A man's man and one hell of an American. Set up the National Park System and the FDA and actually did some productive things during his terms in the white house. Over/Under on how many living things he killed for sport= 7,872.5. Also won the Nobel Peace Prize.

1 comment:

Andrew K. said...

Teddy was also shot mid-speech, caught the man that shot him, sat on him, then finished said speech.