Monday, June 22, 2009

A Brief Rebuttal

retard36ob.png (Edited by Bryan to include pictures)
I would first like to respond to different things I've heard about the "crash diet" that my first update post seemed to imply. First, the calorie counter for thursday is wrong and only accounts up until I posted. Since thursday, every day has included at least 1000 calories. The plan was to cut alot out and slowly bring it back to a healthy diet (e.g. 1400-1600 cals a day). Everyone I talk to says the same basic message of "You'll lose alot of weight but put it back on when you start eating again". This would be true if I went right back up to a 2600 cal a day diet when I stopped dieting, but hopefully that won't happen. The trick is to slowly ween off of the diet. Let's also take a look at the first part of the message shall we: "You'll lose alot of weight..." sounds good to me. Stop being a downer with that second part.
I would also like to formally announce my weight after exactly one week of the competition. I am now down to a gentleman's 138.0. That calculates to a total weight loss of 9.6 lbs or 4.3544 kilograms for our neighbors up north. That means I lost as much as the panda cub at the top of the page. Think about that, naysayers. From now on, I'm going to include a weight-related top 5 with every update post, so without further ado:
Top 5 fat video game characters:

5) E. Honda (Street Fighter 2): Probably the most prolific fat video game playable character who isn't a horrible stereotype of fat people or an over-the top villain. Not to mention he has one of the most annoying move sets of any fight based character ever created (just keep hitting the punch button). Not to mention he can fly through the air with no problem.
4) Dr. Eggman (Sonic Series): Dr. Robotnik personifies how fat people can overcome their weight with over-the-top gagetry. A nice touch is the fact that I don't believe you ever actually see him move outside of one of his vehicles.
3) Pac-Man/Kirby: Both given the "I can eat as much as I want and will remain only somewhat overweight" award.
2) John Madden: This guy has made a franchise out of coming into a studio, recording 25 statements about football and doing nothing else. The face of the most popular sports franchise and he doesn't have to do any work. Kudos, John.
1) Mario: The face of nintendo and the most well-known pure video game character in the world. Despite running and jumping everwhere, and only eating mushrooms, he appears to maintain his overwieght stature.

1 comment:

Andy said...

No love for King Hippo of Mike Tyson's Punch-Out! fame? The man was so fat, he talked in belches. I'd also like to point out his official WVBA Stats:

Age: ??
Weight: ???