Monday, June 22, 2009

RE: Death During Competition


Your request for a ruling has been received by the league office. After reading several of the leagues bylaws, as well as discussing the matter with league lawyers, the official ruling is that you've signed up for a six month competition, and by god the fans will get a six month competition.

However, if one of you were to expire before those six months, your body will need to remain in the apartment until the end of the competition (in order for weigh-ins and the like), or brought back to quasi-life via voodoo magic or you will forfeit the challenge.

Cremation can not occur until after the competition. Secondly, the PS3 will not be buried with the winner, but rather will be the only thing buried in the winner's coffin. Their corpse will be dumped upside down and naked on the side of I-75. The flat-screen television will be installed in your apartment, but must contain a live picture-in-picture image of the winner's burial site as they continue to decompose and win the competition.

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