Friday, September 18, 2009

Picket Line Podcast

The Players' Revolution is in full swing.

We recently had three months pass, officially, since the beginning of the competition. Jay and I were at roughly ten pounds difference. The difference between me being within 10 pounds of Jay and being 10.1 pounds away from Jay is 70% to 80%. Rather than make ourselves miserable the night before we agreed to call it 75/25 and order a pizza (so long as I gave myself the enema I bought in anticipation of the final stretch).

Roughly, Jay lost 36 lbs. in three months and Bryan lost 26 lbs.

What follows is the Picket-Line Podcast: A revolt against the management lead by the head of the players' union. It is edited, but very poorly. The attempt was to cut the 70 minutes of fun down to the best jokes and conversation.
Thanks for posting the last Podcast, Morty. Go Fuck Yourself!

Monday, August 3, 2009


Click play to enjoy the audio goodness of Week 6 and 7 of "You're Fat, Stop It." The boys are joined by chief medical advisor, Kevin Weber. We discuss the finer points of letting fat people die, wiping wands, taking photos of poop, and the inevitable end of the contest in a murder/suicide.

Please to enjoy:

Tuesday, July 28, 2009

Definition of Fat

Apparently I am the only one with enough free time to continue to post on the blog. Bryan has been busy studying for some "Bar Exam", whatever that means. I assume its one of those classes where you learn how to mix drinks. Meanwhile, the commish is out in San Diego living it up with the rest of the losers at Comic-Con (I assume a giant room with 100,000 nerds sweating in costumes smells magnificent). Anywho, I'm weighing in at a gentleman's 119.2, which means I'm down 28.2 pounds right now. The weight isn't melting off quite as easily as before, but still going strong.
Let's move on to the topic of today's discussion: The definition of fat. There are plenty of definitions. According to the BMI, an antiquated governement standard made in the mid 19th century, I would have to get down to 174 before I'm no longer in the overweight category. This standard has Brad Pitt listed as overweight. I think we can all agree that this is absurd. People have been referring to my esteemed competitor as "fat". I don't know if I agree with that or not. If you showed is picture (even before the competition) to 100 people, how many would categorize him as fat. People would tell me that I wasn't fat even when I was close to 250 (mind you I spend a lot of time around delusional people).
So here's my proposal: Fat is a state of mind, not a weight or a proportion of body fat. If you eat shitty food and don't work out, you're fat. End of story. Not saying there is anything wrong with that, but it makes more sense than any other definition. This also includes alot of people who wouldn't normally be in the category of fat. All of those people who can eat whatever they want and have the metabolism of a hummingbird. So I propose the following four-factor fat index. You need 3 or more points to be considered fat.

1) You weigh more than 205 pounds and are under 6 ft tall. (a seperate pro-rated system needs t be created for taller people) 3 Points.
2) You eat a great deal of junk food on a regular basis. (1 point)
3) Exercise is not part of any weekly routine. You avoid it at all costs. (1 point).
4) You're constantly tempted by food and can't stop thinking about how tasty it is (1 point).
5) Your lifestyle has led to a significant loss of functioning. This could include sweating after walking up a flight of stairs or being winded after playing a video game. (1 point).

This standard allows overweight people who have a good diet and exercise routine to not be considered fat while including people who fit the lifestyle even if they don't pack on the pounds. Based on how many points, you can add adjectives to fat such as "fat ass" or "really f'n fat". I await comments.

Tuesday, July 21, 2009

A Letter to Bryan

Dear Bryan,
I'd like to think that I've treated you pretty well over the years. We've had our ups and downs, and you keep me pretty well-fed between graduating law school. I'm starting to think that we may have bitten off more than we can chew. I thought we'd kick Jay's ass in this competition, cause who knew he could go days without eating. Between this and the bar exam, I'm getting a little exhausted.
I guess the point of this letter is to decide if we should think about resigning from the contest. Quitting now might sound bad, but not as bad as if we go through to completion and still lose handily. I mean look at what happened when Jay beat us in HORSE. I stayed in bed for a week. And on top of that you want to play poker this week? I'm just stretched a little bit thin here.
If you want to keep going through with this I understand, but could you give me a little boost to keep me going. Maybe we could get real dressed up and go to a skeezy mall and see how many girls (guys?) will give us their number. I heard there are some ten year olds playing basketball a few blocks away. Do you think they want to play a pick-up game? Maybe some senior citizens who are legally blind and in the early stages of dementia need a fourth for their weekly golf game. Just something to keep me occupied while Jay destroys us in the competition. Well thanks for listening.

Your ego.

Another Landmark Reached

For those of you keeping score at home, I hit the 25 pound mark this morning. It's really surprising since I ate alot of food on Sunday night at a wedding and also set a high mark for Bryan if he wants to win the week 5 competition (apx. 1300 cals in a sitting). I have a pretty good strategy for winning the contest anyway, but I'm glad I have meal high enough to keep Bryan from considering sandbagging and hoping I do the same.
Anywho, I thought I would share some of the foods that have gotten me here so far...
1) Slim fast: Every morning and sometimes 1 in the afternoon. Lots of nutrients without many calories and doesn't taste too bad either.
2) V8 Fusion Acai Berry Mix: Actually tastes sweeter than Gatorade and only 110 cals per serving. Also has lots of vitamins and counts as a serving of fruits and a serving of veggies (which I detest). Acai berries are supposed to help with weight loss, possibly through causing cancer.
3) Popcorn: Tasty alternative to chips that is filling and delicious. Pretty much have one air-popped serving at night. FYI: Don't air-pop name brand popcorn as alot of it gets wasted.
4) Lean Cuisine: Probly serves as dinner one out of two nights for me. Usually go with the chicken fettucine.
5) Frosted Mini-Wheats: Tastes like candy and has the same digestive features as a wicker chair!

Now some math:
We currently have 147 days left in the competition. Bryan has claimed that he can lose 40 pounds before the end. Giving him the benefit of the doubt, I bet he can lose a total of 50 including unhealthy spite pounds during the final push. I've already lost 25 pounds in 37 days (.676 pounds per day). So in order to beat him, I need to lose another 25 pounds in the following 147 days (a measly .17 pounds per day). In order to destroy him and not have to pay for any of the TV, I need to lose 55 pounds (.375 pounds per day). Now I understand that my current weight-loss rate won't continue like it has, but these numbers seem promising to me.

Week 5 Audio Update

The update for Week 5 is here. Click play to hear it. This week's challenge is also announced: the boys have to eat as many calories as they can in one sitting. The biggest meal wins the week. The catch? They can't tell each other how much they've eaten.

Also, balls.

-The Commish

Tuesday, July 14, 2009

Reflections on the Obese

RenaissanceWoman.jpg image by confusionnnnn

Ahh, fatties. My beloved pair of portly pugilists competing in this here weight-a-losin’ contest has inspired me to reflect on some of the great fat people of all time. After all, I grew up in the 9th fattest state in the country, only to relocate to the 4th. Which states are those? Look it up yourself, you lazy sack of goo. Expecting someone else to deliver that kind of information is why you have elastic in the waist band of your Dockers.

Obviously the most powerful fat guy was President William Howard Taft (I don’t think Jay’s No. 1 or 2 is fat enough to be “fat”), and any fifth grader knows he had to have a special bathtub made in the White House to fit his corpulence. Of course that was in the 19th century, so with today’s much fatter population in 2009, we have a special name for an ass trough that size; it’s just called a bathtub.

John Candy was pretty fat and sort of funny. John Belushi was sort of fat and very funny. Chris Farley was of typical fat man fatness, and the funniest of them all. Based on this data, I cannot draw any conclusions between fatness and funniness. However I am only slightly fat and sporadically funny.

In Breakfast of Champions, Kurt Vonnegut says his penis is three inches long and five and a half inches wide. Vonnegut wasn’t really fat, but his penis was. And I bet it was hilarious.

Minnesota Fats played pool. Fat Lever played basketball, some of it against Minnesota. I always thought his porn name should be Skinny Fulcrum. But maybe his dong was laid out like Vonnegut’s, in which case Fat Lever is much more appropriate than Skinny Fulcrum. (Channeling famed fat man/NFL analyst/video game peddler/one time NFL coach/cheese eater John Madden: See, what he did there was select an antonym for the first name and a part-of-the-whole for the last name. This only works if both of your names are common nouns. This author’s are not, so his porn name is the combination of his middle name and the street he grew up on. So we would call him Booth West Mill. Boom.)

With all of these celebrities dying, don’t you think it’s John Madden’s turn?

I think Hollywood needs to get more creative in its depiction of fat guys. There are only two kinds, I think. The first is the surly fat guy. Eric Cartman is a great example, as is the fat kid from The Sandlot. And in the episode of Seinfeld where Jerry is at the dealership to get his new car from Putty, George and the mechanic that steals George’s Twix both count too. They all have chips on their shoulders because they’re afraid someone else might take their seventh oatmeal cream pie and force them to languish with only a half dozen. My brother fits this personality, but he’s 6’2” and 170 pounds. This is because he smokes. Ergo if you’re fat, you should probably smoke. You’ll still be an unhealthy asshole, but at least you’ll look better.

The second fat person archetype is the sympathetic face-stuffer-with-a-heart-of-gold, even though that heart won’t make it past age 35. I think of Donkey Lips from Nickelodeon’s Salute Your Shorts here, but you could make a case for Big Easy from Real World/Road Rules Challenge (no, he’s not a “real” person), the little girl witness in Southland , and the entire child cast of Heavyweights. These people never fail to make the Bambi “my mom is dead” face when someone honestly and legitimately questions their weight, seemingly always when the chub has half a Snickers in his mouth. But mostly, I identified this character so I could talk about Donkey Lips. That’s a top five character name of all time. And who was cutting Bobby Budnick’s hair? Did you ever wonder if the kid playing him was a Make-a-Wish kid and that ugly red mess was a wig?

She’s not a really fat person (and yes, she was chubby before she was pregnant), but I think Mirka Federer is an inspirational story for the world’s chunkers. Google Brooklyn Decker, Heather Mitts, Jennifer Scholle, or pretty much any other tennis player’s girlfriend. Even guys who can’t break the top 100 can pull at the highest level. But you’re telling me Roger Federer, one of the two greatest tennis players of all time, is going to pound town with that? I don’t believe it. But whether she’s his beard or has some kind of amazing blackmail dirt on him, good for Mirka. What Verne Troyer did for dwarves or elves or hobgoblins or whatever they’re supposed to be called, Mirka did for fat people. They should erect a bronze, inaccurately flattering statue for her.

People gave Beyonce crap because she made some catty comment about Jennifer Hudson gaining 20 pounds for “Dreamgirls” a few years ago. I’d be pissed too! Imagine if you had to work with a personal trainer five days a week in intense sessions because what sets you apart from every other good set of pipes is your looks. And then some less hot, worse singer comes along and wins an Oscar* because she ate an entire sleeve of Chips Ahoy every day for month.

(* This fact was not verified in any way. It might have been a Golden Globe. It might have been Queen Latifah Beyonce was dissing. It might have been Halle Berry doing the dissing. It might have been Thin Mints and not Chips Ahoy. The whole story might not be remotely true. Regardless, it’s how I remember it, so for my reality, it’s true. If your reality is contradictory, fuck you and your reality’s Wikipedia.)

There are a million cop-out explanations people have to defend fatties. One is that they’re “big boned.” Excuse me? Brontosauruses (brontosauri?) were big-boned. Blue whales are big-boned. Yao Ming is brittly big-boned. Your 5-5 hippopotamus of a friend is not big boned. It’s OK. I’m sure she just has bad genes. Oh, and can you please tell me again how it was a sign of wealth during the Renaissance to be obese? Is it 1492? Is your friend rich? Well, if my aunt had a package, she’d be my uncle.

Oh, and if you have a “slow metabolism” or a “glandular disorder” as I’m sure 99% of you fatties will declare, I’m so sorry. None of this applies to you. I’m just talking about the regular fatties who can do something about it like eat less and exercise more, such as Bryan and Jay. Good luck, guys!

One Day Into First Mini-Competition

Well it's been 30 hours since we both weighed in for the weight-loss week. Bryan and I are getting pretty competitive. Yesterday 900 calories were consumed....between the two of us. The liquid diet is going pretty well and I didn't eat any popcorn either, which put me at 450 cals max yesterday. I think Bryan was somewhere in that area too, although with the amount of Coke Zero he drinks, his life span has been cut down by about four years. On top of the liquid diet, I worked out yesterday...twice. Played basketball at the Forensic Center for about an hour and then did 25 minutes of HIIT. I'm pretty sure Bryan will crack before I do when it comes to putting in more calories, what with him being weak-willed and all.

Bryan and I had a discussion that calls for some viewer participation. We were talking about getting friends and family to sabotage each other (e.g. Bryan calling my girlfriend and encouraging her to take me to dinner somewhere). I argued that nobody would do that to me, cause everyone wants me to win. I'm pretty sure 80% of Bryan's friends/family would help me when and play dirty. Is there anyone out there who is really rooting for Bryan? Furthermore, is there anyone who doesn't think Bryan should accept my open hair vs. hair challenge? I didn't think so.

Top 5 Fat American Historical Figures:
5) Grover Cleveland: Mediocrity at it's best. The only president to serve two non-consecutive terms. His fatness led to many health problems including sleep apnea and gout.
4)Ulysses S. Grant: One of the best military strategists in American history, but only a mediocre president.
3) William Howard Taft: So fat he got stuck in the White House bath tub more than once. Inventor of the 7th inning stretch and the fattest president to ever hold the office. Also the only president to go on to serve on the Supreme Court.
2) Ben Franklin: Inventor of pretty much everything you use on a regular basis and founder of about a dozen public services (including fire departments apparently). Also a ladies man and the diplomat who got the French to save our asses in the American Revolution. Our national bird should have been a turkey.
1) Teddy Roosevelt: A man's man and one hell of an American. Set up the National Park System and the FDA and actually did some productive things during his terms in the white house. Over/Under on how many living things he killed for sport= 7,872.5. Also won the Nobel Peace Prize.

Monday, July 13, 2009

Calling All Assholes

A few questions here:

- Why exactly does the layout of this blog change every goddamn time I check the site?
- Why is Bryan so cute?

Also, the reason the weekly contest didn't make the interview cut because it was 25 minutes of bickering about the setup of the contest. So, it works better in text form.

I would like to announce that I'm looking for guest podcasters to offer commentary on the contest, or perhaps get conferenced in during our weekly sessions. All you'll need is Skype and a microphone.

The contests medical advisor, Dr. Kevin Weber, will be joining at some point to make awkward jokes. I'm also trying to get some SURPRISE podcasting guests.

So...yeah...look forward to that.

-The Commish


(Way to spell check your post, Jay. Don't worry, I'll even add a picture for you)

Bryan apparently thinks he can attack my strategy for winning this week without any consequences. He has taken it upon himself to refer to my diet as "ridiculous". This aggression will not stand. First of all, if anything is ridiculous, it is Bryan's plan to run 20 miles this week even though he is apparently plagued by a bad back. I've consulted with my personal team of doctors, which consists of:
1) Dr. James Andrews: Orthopedic surgeon of top athletes and several heavyweight champions.
2) Dr. Leo Spaceman: Specialties include fertility, meth addiction, and child psychiatry. Obtained his medical degree from the prestigious Ho Chi Minh City school of medicine.
3) Kevin Weber: Able to obtain whatever that drug was that killed Michael Jackson as well as handicapped parking passes.

4) Dr. Perry Cox: 20 plus years of internal medicine experience and a no-nonsense mentality to weight loss.

This cracked team has devised a diet that is sure to help me lose weight in the healthiest way possible. The diet consists primarily of fruit juice, slim fast, and one small bowl of popcorn for the next two and a half days. It's low on calories, high on nutrients, easily digestible and will also keep me regular. I plan on also revving up the cardio this week as well and only eating out once.

So what's ridiculous about this Bryan? I think I have a better word for it: SCIENCE. Because science is whatever we want it to be.

On another note, I would also like to mark the 29 day mark as the day when we became competitive in a negative way. I expect that one of us seriously injures the other by day 150.

Weekly Contest #1

The Beginning of Silly Contests
As discussed in part of the interview that didn't make the cut yesterday, Jay and I are going to begin weekly competitions to aggregate points for the 3 month weigh-in. The competitor who has won the most weekly competitions by weigh-in will receive a 5% bonus in regard to their portion of the playstation 3.
Example: if the weigh-in creates a 60/40 split and the person who lost the weigh-in won the most competitions the split will be adjusted to 55/45.

Contest #1
This week the contest is simply: who can lose the most weight in a week?
Starting weights: Bryan 203.6 - Jay: 231.4

Jay has already outlined a ridiculous plan to me that includes only popcorn and liquid.
I intend to run about 20 miles this week.
This Sunday's interview will be the end of the contest and the weigh-in.

Suggestions are welcome
We haven't determined what future competitions will consist of, however, they will certainly become more ridiculous. I proposed, and expect, contests that are detrimental to the ultimate goal so that the attempt to win the weekly contest has to be balanced with the desire to win the overall contest. Some type of eating contest or the like. Jay and I also discussed a heads-up poker challenge.
Please submit your most creative, ridiculous, and cruel contest ideas. If a sufficient amount of submissions are not obtained I will be contacting you.

Guest Blogger
I would like anyone of you who can write something entertaining that is at least tangentially related to this competition to be a guest blogger of the week or something like that. We'll be in touch.

Final Thought
This was written on the toilet. Enjoy.

Sunday, July 12, 2009

Week 4 Audio Update

Well, shoot! Click the play button below to hear the audio update of these two assholes' desire to outfat one another. Topics include: difficulties, fattest people ever witnessed, Bryan failing at everything, and a wonderful John Daly impression. Please to enjoy:

Saturday, July 11, 2009

Testing, Is This On?

We're trying out the podcasting material for our site. Please, do not be alarmed. This is a test post.

Tuesday, July 7, 2009

The Winner's Weigh In

I just read Bryan's weigh-in post and thought I would add one that was actually encouraging. My current weight is a gentleman's 229.4. For those of you bad at simple subtraction, that is a current loss of 18 pounds. I believe that until the competition ends, we need a championship belt that changes hands whenever someone takes a lead.
In other news, we went rollerblading again yesterday and then I ate the first true junk-food I've had (a delicious kosher nathan's hot dog from Sam's club. Bryan ate one too, so I figure it's a wash. The rollerblading caused 2 new blisters. One on top of the old blister and one very close, but not touching the old blister. For you geography buffs at home, that would make the old blister South Africa instead of Connecticut (With a Lesotho-sized blister inside it and a Madagascar blister just to the East). It's thoughts like this that keep me from being successful.
Calorie count later today.

Record Setting

I went to a wedding with Laura over the weekend and as a result I set the competition record for most calories consumed in a day at about 4,500. In this post I will detail what I ate.
Friday night I picked her up from the airport. That night I ate soft pretzels and cream cheese, Bob Evans mashed potatoes, and had two drinks. 2600 calorie day.
Saturday was the wedding in Toledo. On the way down we stopped at Jimmy John's and I consumed a roast beef sandwich with double meat, cheese, and mayonaise. I also ate a bag of jalapeno chips. After the ceremony and before the reception we went to the mall where I had a large Chocolate Coffee Cooler; had to be 600 calories at least. Went to the wedding and had two drinks along with a full plate of the buffet dinner (not selectively choosing my food either) and I shared 3 cupcakes with Laura. That day would still be acceptable if I stopped there. But I went to Denny's and got the sampler with ranch dipping sauce and, of course, pancake puppies. For an estimated total of 4,500 calories. I am a fat pig.
I love Bears.

Thinking about those two days makes it clear why I need to participate in a competition. Those wold be normal days for me prior to the competition.

Prize Structure

Jay and I conferred and have come to a conclusion on the structure for paying for the prizes:

Difference in lbs / percentage paid for prize (loser paying the greater portion, obviously)

0-2 lbs - 50/50
2.1-5 - 60/40
5.1-10 - 70/30
10.1-20 - 80/20
20.1-30 - 90/10
over 30 - 100/0

I came across this picture and I had to post it. It looks like a penis, just like the trophy for this weight loss competition, except our trophy will be a real penis.

Additionally, Skipper, we have signed up for skype. I did so last week immediately after your call for action. So get ready to interview the contestants.

3 Week Weigh-in

This kind of performance would make me smash my tennis racquet, kick a basketball, throw pasta, or toss baby powder across the room.

After 3 weeks I weigh 204.8 lbs.
That is a total loss of 9.4 lbs. In the grand scheme that is good and I have been relatively vigilant regarding my diet and exercise. For this competition, though, I need to pick up the pace. I am going to start training for long distance running to supplement the rest of my exercise. I don't have any particular goals as of yet.
Exercise and Calories:
Friday 6/26- (1700) Golf; walked 18 and carried the bag
Saturday 6/27- (1500) Rollerblading for about 1 hr 20 mins; roughly 11 miles
Sunday 6/28- (1700) Calisthenic Circuits: Henceforth this will refer to a series of exercises that I do without a break in order to add a cardio element. A typical circuit that I do involves bicep curls, triceps, chest press, abdominal leg lifts, and jump rope. I do three sets of each one after another.
Monday 6/29- (1900) Golf
Tuesday 6/30- (1700) Tennis
Wednesday 7/1- (1600) HIIT and Weights
Thursday 7/2- (1500) Golf
Friday 7/3- (2600) Circuits
Saturday 7/4- (4500) Laura was in town for a wedding and we ate Denny's; no "official" exercise
Sunday 7/5- (1700) HIIT and Circuits
Monday 7-6- (1500) Rollerblading; about 1:20

Sunday, July 5, 2009

RE: Multiple Questions


Still good to see you using this blogspace to air your pissing and moaning about losing weight. I'm still waiting to get Skype up and running on your end, so get off your fucking fat asses and get to it.

As for requests, it would be nice to see updated stats in just a separate post, so I don't have to filter through everything in order to see calorie numbers, etc. Also, when are we due for the next weigh-in?

Secondly, here are some answers to requests sent to the league offices recently:

1) At dinner, the waitress brought out free ravioli appetizers and refilled my pink lemonade before I could switch to water. I have a hunch that Bryan made some calls and set this up to screw with me. Do I need proof, or can I go ahead and have him thrown to the lions?

IF you'd like to investigate and see if there was any sort of foul play, be my guest. However, the league considers this competition first and foremost, meaning if Bryan did grease the wheels a bit, it's all in the name of sport. If Bryan was involved and you feel that goes against the specific rules of the contest, you must submit your complaint to the league office via courier mail within 10 days of the incident. Include pictures, signed statements and a SASE. But, I'm thinking that the logical answer is that the appetizers had been sitting underneath the refrigerator in the back all day, and the pink lemonade was actually pink-tinted liquid AIDS.

2) Still trying to determine how to set up the prize payout for this thing, any thoughts?

I think you should just wait until the end of the six months before any payouts. Price out a PS3 at the end of the three months, and both parties should submit their cash (75% from the loser, 25% from the winner) into a high-interest savings account. After the next three months, do the same with for the flat screen. If you two want to come closer on the flat screen, like 60/40, that's okay. The interest from that account can then be used as a cash bonus for the overall winner, which then must be wagered on exactly ONE hand of blackjack at the Greektown casino.

3) We need a decision on another important matter: What is the ruling on alternative forms of weight loss, especially the days leading up to the weigh in? Can we go get colonics? What about giving blood or starving ourselves? Is this a no-holds barred competition? And what's this about the office being behind. Where does our endless revenue stream go to if not for quick rulings on these matters?

While the league frowns upon resorting to unhealthy forms of weight loss, it was never considered illegal to use colonics, tooth extraction, blood-letting and/or flat out starving in order to meet weight. Consider this a weigh-in before wrestling or football. Whatever you feel is necessary to clear a win is all that matter. Also, the league office is handling several thousand other competition, not to mention a fucking REALITY SHOW, so delays are to be expected. The response time should be smaller going forward.

4) Does the severity of the injury or cause of the injury at any point nullify the contest? Please explain in an essay without using the letter P.

In a word, no. Injuries are just another struggle that needs to be overcome in order to win this contest. Short of death or dismemberment, you fuckers can just deal with it. This means you'll need to be careful when exercising, because too hard a session could cause injury, leaving you bedridden and immobile for a length of time. I should clarify though that it is against the rules to injure the jerk you're facing to the level of immobility. This means no knee bludgeoning or ankle caning. Finger-breaking and thumbs to the eyes are okay. So are GTS's, Mic Checks, Rock Bottoms and Diamond Cutters. But, if I see one fucking Kanyon Cutter, RKO or Stunner, consider yourself DQed. We're bound by Queensbury rules here.

-The Commish

Thursday, July 2, 2009

Reflections On Being Fat

(Pictured: me, not fat, fitting into my ex-girlfriend's clothes)

It's hard for me to pinpoint the exact moment when I became fat. I was never thin, certainly, but I looked fine. Somewhere in Law School as I was slowly getting larger I passed from normal to fat. Since then, though, I have just seen being fat as a temporary condition. "Oh, I'm just fat right now. I'll get better soon." Like it was the flu or a broken arm.

How it's like having a broken arm:
  • have to wear loose shirts
  • can't go swimming
  • not as good at sports
  • look funny naked
  • not as good at sex
  • funny smells that you aren't used to
  • people look at your handicap in public
  • and your confidence drops significantly
The difference is that being fat doesn't just heal itself with a cast.

How to become fat (
  • Typical order at Taco Bell: 4 Supreme Tacos, 1 Chicken Baja Chalupa, Nachos Bell Grande, and a Chicken Quesadilla. Estimated Price:$11
  • Refusing to not finish every single thing you ordered, regardless of how full you are
  • Naps, all the time

  • Eat out at least 7 times a week
  • Go to Law School and stop exercising nearly as much
  • Pretty much every meal consists of a normal person's meal with the addition of another half to full meal
  • El Vaquero: 4 Enchilada Dinner with Beans and Rice + 3 extra Tacos
  • Lots of masturbating
  • Netflix Membership

  • Tiger Woods Golf
  • Playing more Rummy than basketball
  • Drinking to deal with problems including the problem of being fat

  • Arby's: 3 Regular Roast Beef Sandwiches, Two Large Curly Fries, and Mozzarella Sticks (bonus: when they had 5 for 5.95 I decided to make the deal 10 for 11.90 once)
  • Eating the rest of your girlfriend's meal when she has had the good sense to control her portions and not eat to the point of gluttony; must also make fun of her for not finishing to make the situation look extra ridiculous
  • Cluck-U: Fried Chicken Sandwich w Mayo, French Fries, Gyro, and a Large order of Deep Fried Mushrooms
  • Look up to John Daly as your hero and attempt to emulate him
  • Participate in eating contests
  • Elevator up one floor
  • McDonald's: 2 Double Hamburgers, Two McChickens, Large Fry, and 5 Piece Nugget
  • Eat Jenny's Ice Cream 15 times in less than two months
  • Go Drinking with Joe Au
  • Auntie Anne's Pretzels every time you go to the mall even after you've eaten

Why I Don't Want to Be Fat

  • Clothes: Fit into Black Keys T-shirt and not look like a sausage, not have to give clothes to my little brother because they don't fit, I want to buy a really nice suit but I don't want it to be a fat size, clothes just look better when you are in better shape, I'd like to actually wear t-shirts again
  • Athletics: I'm coordinated and good at sports, but it is a big set back to wheeze and take breaks throughout games. I always finish pick-up ball poorly because I'm out of juice and my legs won't work at the end.
  • Physical Appearance: This is tied closely to the clothes thing. Your face looks better when it doesn't have extra fat around it. I want to have some nice jaw and chin definition (just one chin). Perhaps I could actually go to the pool and take my shirt off. I really won't go right now. Jay and I go to the APT gym under cover of night and then take a dip in the pool when no one is there. Girls also used to find me attractive and they don't seem to look twice anymore.
  • I have a few comments stored in my brain that have been made to me, not intending to hurt my feelings but they made it clear that my being fat isn't a secret like my having HIV. I intend to erase those thoughts from every one's mind. I'm so fucking self-conscious all the time that being fat does not work.
  • Before, we'll say in undergrad, my confidence was like a 15/10 now its like a 7/10. Still more than most people, but I'm not Valentine anymore.

I will lose at least 40 pounds in 6 months. GUARANSHEED!

Monday, June 29, 2009

Blister in the Sun

(Pictured: Blister)

Bryan and I went Rollerblading on Saturday, cause you know, what better time to do it than the middle of the afternoon on one of the hottest days of the year. We ended up going approximately 10-11 miles round trip. Lots of hills on this particular trail too, so that was both grueling and fun. Anyway, I made two regrettable mistakes: First was assuming there would be water fountains somewhere on the trail. I don't think I've ever experienced thirst quite like that before. Second was wearing shitty socks, cause I ended up forming a blister about the size of Connecticut on my left foot. Afterwards it also felt like all of the bones in my foot had been welded together, but that pain subsided rather quickly. Celebrated surviving this by going out and eating more than I should have, but I think I deserve it.
Other thoughts on the two week mark:
1) Once you get used to not eating anything tasty, its not quite as bad.
2) Frosted Mini-Wheats may be the world's perfect food (fuck you Chicita Bananas).
3) Exercise is getting easier, may have to ramp up the resistance on the cardio machines.
4) Enough spices can make any meat taste like any other meat (e.g. Turkey Italian Sausage)

Here's the updated diet/exercise log:
Wednesday: 1300 Calories; Light cardio workout; 20 minute sauna
Thursday: 1400 Calories; 20 minute intense cardio; 100 crunches; 100 girl pushups
Friday: 1300 Calories; Day off to rest back and prepare for rollerblading
Saturday: 1500 Calories (including delicious lobster ravioli); 10 mile rollerblade to death
Sunday: 1100 Calories; 25 minute intense cardio; 36 bench press reps; 20 min sauna

Questions for the Commish:
1) At dinner, the waitress brought out free ravioli appetizers and refilled my pink lemonade before I could switch to water. I have a hunch that Bryan made some calls and set this up to screw with me. Do I need proof, or can I go ahead and have him thrown to the lions?
2) Still trying to determine how to set up the prize payout for this thing, any thoughts?
3) We need a decision on another important matter: What is the ruling on alternative forms of weight loss, especially the days leading up to the weigh in? Can we go get colonics? What about giving blood or starving ourselves? Is this a no-holds barred competition? And what's this about the office being behind. Where does our endless revenue stream go to if not for quick rulings on these matters? That is all.

Top 5 Fat Actors:
5) Marlon Brando

4) George Wendt

3) Dan Akroyd/Harold Ramis: Seriously find a before/after picture of these guys. At least added a cumulative 150 lbs since the ghostbusters movies were made. The picture is of Harold Ramis (Egon) recently. Thats at least a 100 pound gain. Well played sir.

2) John Candy

1) John Goodman

Sunday, June 28, 2009

Skype Calling You


The office has been backed up, so you're requests will be answered shortly. However, we've bought some new equipment, meaning I'd like to see if we can get some interviews recorded shortly.

This means you'll need to download Skype here:, but also obtain a microphone.


-The Commish

Friday, June 26, 2009

Michael Jackson loses weight!

I imagine that if he were participating in a weight loss challenge he would win. According to the Commissioner's rules, though, his body would have to be left alone until the competition was over. Either way I'm glad he's not in this competition because he no longer needs food and he will have to spend the rest of eternity doing the Thriller dance, and we all know that dancing burns calories.

First a quick plug for the websites I use for assistance and information:
This guy has a whole philosophy that I like and his posts are pretty short but informative. It's my go to site for little tips here and there.
This is where I record my calories and exercise. Its free and it tracks your progress for you.

Calories and Exercise:
Friday 6/19- (2200) Didn't exercise due to back; drank :(
Saturday 6/20- (1900) Another day off because of my back; Drank with Joe Au :)
Sunday 6/21- (2100) Weights, abs, and jump rope
Monday 6/22- (1700) Ran more than 2 miles, Played Tennis with Taylor, and did weights and abs at the gym with Jay
Tuesday 6/23- (2050) Sore after the day before, High Intensity Interval Training with Jay (sprints)
Wednesday 6/24- (1100) Day off; recovery
Thursday 6/25- (1800) HIIT, wieghts and abs

Notes: I don't do any exercise that focuses on building leg muscle. I want to slowly lose some leg mass so that I look more trim in dress pants. When I lift weights I really just do biceps and triceps to tone, so I lift heavy weights for low reps. I would like to have a body similar to Roger Federer or the guy on Burn Notice. I hate crunches so I either do situps on an incline bench or leg lifts for my ab workout. The incline bench is awesome; it tears you up. HIIT is great. It pumps up your metabolism, it only takes 20 minutes, its not that hard, your endurance soars after a few weeks, and it makes it easy to lose weight.
I eliminated the vegetarian tacos from my diet because they had more calories than I wanted because I always had to eat something else with them to get full. My diet consists generally of the following:
Salad - with lots of shit in it including beans and meat
Vitamin Water 10
Coke Zero
Healthy Choice Cafe Steamers

Tuesday, June 23, 2009

Updated Calorie Count

Here's some more data to be examined/manipulated/fabricated:
Thursday: Total Cals= 1350; 40 minute endurance cardio, 100 crunches, 60 pushups
Friday: Total Cals= 1270; 20 minute intense cardio, 100 crunches, 60 pushups
Saturday: Total Cals= 1400; no workout
Sunday: Total Cals= 1325; 30 minute endurance cardio, 100 crunches, 60 pushups, 30 minute sauna
Monday:Total Cals=1450; 20 minute intense cardio, 30 minute sauna, 60 pushups

Bryan and I are currently trying to settle how the payouts for the prizes should work. We are settled that the 90 day prize is a PS3 and the 180 day prize a flatscreen. Should the closeness of the competition influence prixe payouts (i.e. winner pays 25% loser pays 75% if not as close, players pay closer to 50/50 if very close)? This question is for the commissioner as well as the fans.

Speaking of the fans, there is entirely too little gambling going on related to this competition. Leave comments discussing bets that are being made. Here are a few examples:
1) Over/Under of how many days before Jay falls off the wagon and eats fast food: 35.5
2) Over/Under of how many days before Bryan gets a major injury: 45.5
3) 20/1 payout if one of us ends up in the hospital
4) 50/1 payout if one of us dies
5) Over/under on Jay's resting heart rate after 30 days: 85
6) Over/under on Bryan's resting heart rate while losing in cards to Jay: 456
These are just a few examples. I'm sure you can find people to bet.

Also to the commissioner, Bryan and I need a ruling regarding injuries suffered during the competition. Does the severity of the injury or cause of the injury at any point nullify the contest? Please explain in an essay without using the letter P.

Top 5 fat professional athletes:

5) Gump Worsley: One of the classic alltime old-school goalies for the Habs during the 60's. Played 25 years without a helmet and only retired because he was afraid of flying. Not that fat, but put on more pounds later in life.
4) Jerome Bettis/ Ron Dayne: I couldn't give either one of them the spot because their only job was to run 3 yards and fall down. The power running back/fullback may be one of the only positions where the extra weight is an advantage. Also get extra kudos for stealing fantasy points from players who would run 40 yard drives and then leave the field so a hulking fat maniac could drive the ball 2 more yards. How does Bettis' heart still work after being fat, and inhaling nothing but coal fumes and garbage for an entire career.
3) Shaq: Has made a career of just being so damn big that nobody can stop him. Changed the way the NBA was played.
2) John Daly: As Bryan mentioned earlier, JD has made a living of using his excess weight to drive a ball further than anyone on the tour. Also the only golfer to be sponsered by hooters as well as losing said sponsorship for abusing their free wings and beer policy in his contract. Daly's antics may eventually merit a post of their own. Not to mention he was at once one of the best at his sport, winning 2 grand slam events (the British Open and PGA Championship).
1) Babe Ruth: Although I don't like him half as much as Ty Cobb, the fact that he was one of the best players in a sport with such a history merits the number one spot. Many different stories floating around about him eating/drinking during games. Proof that fat people can be good at sports that don't involve endurance running.

Honorable mention to every first baseman during the 1990's: Kirby Puckett personifies this, especially since he ate himself to death. Regards also to Cecil Fielder, Albert Belle, Post-Roids Mark McGuire, Jason Giambi etc.